The Liberals are kicking off their second day on the Liberal Express, or should I say Liberal Express 2, and optimism is high. Let’s hope they have no more bus trouble! The bus is once again packed full of Liberal MPs, staff, Young Liberals, and of tons of journalists of course! Our faithful tweeter @RosieBarton is not onboard today, so I would recommend following @SusanDelacourt as she is just as Twitter happy, if not more than Rosie! Note that Susan is not with the CBC, but rather the Toronto Star. Nonetheless, she is experienced in the art of political reporting and tweeting as she is the senior political correspondent at the Star. I will of course be posting occasional updates @Cole_Davidson, but I’m not on the bus so they won’t be as up-to-date as hers.
And yes, I am telling the truth when I say there is a speck of activity on the hill; Liberal MP and Industry Critic Marc Garneau is holding a press conference on the Liberal stance to the Government’s decision to change census policies. Also, while not exactly on the Hill, Minister of Defence Peter Mackay is making in announcement in Halifax today regarding new military equipment! That has the makings of a good day for our Troops!
In the polling world, Environics has released a poll with very different results than the latest EKOS poll! The Environics poll puts the Conservatives only 3 percentage points above the Liberals, where as the latest EKOS poll puts them at 11 points above! The standings of the other parties are essentially the same, with the NDP, Bloq, and Green following the Libs.
This just in as I am typing this: The journalists on board the Liberal Express have given the tour a theme song: Common People, by Pulp
And that’s about it for today. I will keep you posted if anything changes!
I stand corrected: as it turns out, the original Liberal Express bus was fixed last night in the shop, and back on the road today!