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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Helena requests face to face with PM

MP Helena Guergis has requested a meeting with the Prime Minister, issuing this statement:

Statement from the Hon. Helena Guergis, P.C., M.P., MBA


July 22, 2010

I am relieved with the outcome, as I knew that I had done nothing wrong. I continue to work hard for those who have elected me as their representative in Ottawa.

I will continue to work with the Ethics Commission who is in the midst of their own enquiry, and I am looking forward to a resolution on that end as well.

I think it is time for a face to face meeting between the PM and I. He can raise his concerns, whatever they are, and I can answer. I have never been afforded this opportunity.

Hon. Helena Guergis, P.C., M.P., MBA


If Guergis is indeed telling the truth when she says she doesn't know what the acusations are then she deserves this meeting without a doubt. Even if all of this is cleared up, it is highly likely that her political career is over. In this case, Harper may have acted too quickly and too strictly, and this may come back to haunt his as well as Guergis in the next election. Innocent until proven guilty Harper, not guilty if you're suspicious.

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