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Friday, July 23, 2010

The Rookie Perspective: He Is the Leader

Michael Ignatieff rolled into Shawinigan, Quebec today which is home to former Prime Minister Jean Chretien. The two had a meeting together discussing Chretien's proposed thoughts on an Liberal-NDP coalition. This was more of a public relations move by the Liberals in order to soften the blow made by Chretien's ideas. As always Ignatieff's bus was not alone on the tour as the media convoy was with him every step of the way. Asking questions to both men, one interesting Q & A came up.

Jean Chretien was asked if he thought Michael Ignatieff was the best person to lead the Liberal Party. He responded with a rather dull cliche answer...even for cliche answers. Chretien's response was simply:

"He is the Leader. The leader is always the best guy for the job,"

That statement is quite subjective at the very best and on paper it works. Although in the real world there are so many variables to consider. Is he cool under fire? Is he confident? Does he communicate effectively? Well yes he is a top notch politician for the Liberals. Leaders despite many good characteristics can still fail to rise to moment and make the appropriate decisions. The only way to tell is to trust them into the spotlight and hope they do not get burned by the intense heat constantly surrounding them.  Perhaps what makes this a good theory and not a proven science is that choosing a leader, at any level, is very much just an educated guess banking on possible potential of the individual.

The Liberals before the last election, based on a vote thought Stephane Dion was the right man to lead them in a party that lacked leadership qualities, he beat Ignatieff on the fourth ballot with 54.7% of the vote. He was thought to be the best leader by the majority of the party. He went on to lose the election and Ignatieff took over. Sure that maybe politics, but unless current PM, Stephen Harper is unbeatable surely someone else could have been, "the best guy for the job." Perhaps it was Ignatieff himself, for he was deputy leader at the time.

With Ignatieff winning the support of the Liberal party this time around surely they believe in him. He may be the best person to lead the Liberal Party at this given time. Does that mean he is the best person to lead Canada? He will make his case that he is, but win, lose, or draw we never do find out if the best possible choice was made or if we missed out on a better alternative (in his own party or in another party). All we can do is hope that whoever is elected in the next election is a leader and also the best man for the job.

CTV's Craig Oliver was asked about Mr. Chretien's comments on Ignatieff as he responded with,

"It really didn't sound so sincere." 

Perhaps, the former PM is a wise man. He might not of sounded all that sincere because, whether it be to lead the Liberal Party or Canada, he, like the rest of Canada simply doesn't know.

With an election looming, Ignatieff is at least learning from the last election, and is trying to appeal to voters and raise his popularity with his bus tour of Canada. Only time will tell, if he was truly the definition of a leader that Jean Chretien had in mind. He will either lead the Liberal Party to a win or more than likely flame out like many "leaders" have before him only to be replaced with someone else who is apparently the new best guy for the job.

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