He hasn't been heard from in weeks! In fact, we have barely seen our elusive Prime Minister since the census scandal broke, or since the G20 for that matter. This of course raises not only the question of where he is, but also why he is being so silent.
Is it that he doesn't want to face questions about the G20 protests? Or perhaps he is avoiding the F-35 questions? Or the census questions?
Since the G20 protests, he has basically left the Toronto Police Service and Ontario Government to fend for themselves. Well that's not really fair; I guess Conservative MPs, presumably on orders from PMO, did prevent the Public Safety committee from launching a public inquiry into G20 security. Don't get me wrong, I fully support the Toronto Police Service. I think they did a fantastic job securing the largest city in Canada during some of the worst protests I have ever seen in this country. But it is possible, and even likely that some officers made mistakes, poor choices, and may have even abused their power. A public inquiry seems like the logical next step. Perhaps the PM thinks he is protecting his government, the Ontario government, and the police by preventing a public inquiry, but really all he is doing is hurting our democratic roots.
And what about the F-35s? Well we know that the government did not use the appropriate bidding process before awarding the contract to an American company. Opposition MPs were on them for it for a while, but staying out of the light seems to have worked on this front because we aren't hearing much about it anymore.
Then again, that is probably because everyone is focused on the census scandal. This is another issue that the PM has been oddly silent on. While his ministers have been rigorously defending the decision to scrap the mandatory long form census, the PM himself hasn't uttered a word about it. Why is he leaving his ministers to take the blame for it? Perhaps he realizes that this could haunt him in an election and is therefore trying to distance himself from it? Two things are certain; opposition MPs aren't backing down on the census, and neither is the Government. Who will win? Seemingly the Government, as it is within their power to make this change, but only time will tell for sure.
And now, the last question. Where is the Prime Minister? We know where the Leader of the Opposition is, as he travels across the country meeting Canadians. But where is the Prime Minister? He could be at his official country retreat, a cottage on Meech Lake, relaxing and soaking up the sun. Or perhaps he is relaxing in his official residence, 24 Sussex Drive. Or of course he could be working away in his office in Langevin.
Seeing as we haven't heard from him in so long, I'm inclined to believe that he is taking it easy somewhere, watching his government swaying dangerously close to an election.
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