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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The problem with Hudak

Hudak has a number of problems, the largest being trust. People don't trust him. In particular, women don't trust him. In a new poll, Nanos Research concluded that only 1 in 4 men trust Hudak, and even less, only 1 in 5, women trust Hudak.

Let me say this, the Hudak PCs are running a somewhat respectable campaign. By conservative standards, that means they haven't screwed up too badly yet. They have managed this mostly by keeping their candidates on a very short leash. But short of acting like a dog owner at obedience school, the PCs have offered very little to voters in the way of policy. Their platform, titled Changebook, offers no radical changes, and begs the question, "Why vote for you?" Mind you, that's not what I got out of it. What I got out of it was more along the lines of: "Why did I read that, and can I please have the last hour of my life back?"

It seems like the PCs are trying to run a very low key campaign, which is quite surprising since they already have a very low key leader. Ask around Ontario and almost everyone will know who Dalton McGuinty is. Ask those same people about Tim Hudak, and you get, "Tim who?" Now that is almost to be expected when you consider that McGuinty has been Premier for 8 years, and Ontario Liberal Leader since 1996. But still, the PCs did virtually nothing to get themselves or their leader noticed over the last few years.

Essentially, the PC party did absolutely no pre-election work. They spent a couple hours writing the rag they call a platform (or so it seems). They haven't spend any time or money getting to know Ontario voters. And despite all of this, they still expect to form government, simply because they think it's their turn. But that's not how politics work. The hard work needs to be done. They need to show voters that they are going to take charge of the situation. Voters won't go looking for them to find out why they should vote conservative, they have to find the voters and convince them. They aren't doing this.

The PCs are a party that did no hard pre-election work, have a leader that no body knows, and have a platform with virtually nothing beneficial in it. On top of that, they're now trying to sell the idea that we can't trust our long time Premier. Its like a new kid on the playground is trying to convince everyone that they shouldn't play with their old friend Dalton. No one is going to listen to the new kid, and worse, no one is going to be his friend.

Come on, Hudak. Open your eyes. Ontarians don't trust you because they don't know you, your party hasn't done the work, and you don't have enough of a platform.

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